Easy and Simple Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners Fluency
- For Fluency in Sanskrit language

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Shankar Iyer
Course Statistics
Course Syllabus
- Introduction to Great Sanskrit Grammarian Panini and his works
- Simple ways to understand Sanskrit grammar concepts and online learners tools
- Swara Sandhi - Sandhi rules applicable when Vowels come close to each other
- Vyanjana Sandhi - Sandhi rules applicable when Consonants come close to each other
- Visarga Sandhi - Sandhi rules applicable when Visarga come close to other alphabets
- Sandhi exercises - how to break Sandhi and understand Sanskrit Shloka or old Sanskrit Texts - known as Anvaya Rachana
- Derivation of different Consonant ending words in seven cases as per Sanskrit grammar rules in simple English
- Derivation of different Vowel ending words in seven cases as per Sanskrit grammar rules in simple English
- Sanskrit Verbs and its 10 Categories known as Dasha Dhatu Gana
- Sanskrit Tenses and Moods and its 10 Categories known as Dasha Lakara
- Derivation of ten tense and mood as per Sanskrit grammar rules in ten verb root (8 out of 10 discussed)
- Concepts of deriving various noun words in Sanskrit using Krt and Taddhita Suffixes
- The grammar behind the various noun words and easy methods to derive such words
- What is Passive Voice and how the verb forms are derived in 10 verb categories
- What is Causal Verb form in Sanskrit and how they are derived in 10 verb categories
- How to use Krt words in Causal form
- Similarities between Krt words and tense-moods
- How Krt words and tense-moods are used in Active and Passive Voice in Sanskrit
- How to split a Sanskrit Shloka in steps and a Sanskrit Story sentence by sentence for easy understanding
- And all these with practical exercises, worksheets using story analysis and Subhashitam
Brief Course Intro
This Beginners course is designed and structured to make you understand how different nouns and verbs are formed in Sanskrit language based on the Sanskrit Grammar but, without discussing grammar rules, so that beginner with basic Sanskrit knowledge will learn further and find it easy to complete this course, by reducing the learning curve in easy to follow explanations, study materials and with solved exercises.
In this course, the concept Sandhi, how derive declension forms of various nouns, 8 out of 10 verb categories and 8 out of 10 tense-moods and verb form derivations, Causal and Passive verb form derivations are discussed. Overall the verb, noun and Sandhi concepts are taken to next level with lot of explanations and exercises.
Around 400 different verb roots, 50 stories, 60 plus Sanskrit Shloka are included as Students Study Material for you to analyze Sanskrit sentence construction style and Shloka understanding methods. I am sure you will find it simple and easy to follow my lesson plans.
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