Learn Easy Complete Comprehensive Sanskrit for Competency
- Take a Step Further to Competency in Sanskrit Language

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Shankar Iyer
Course Statistics
Course Syllabus
- Different Vowel ending Masculine Nouns and how to decline in Nominative case
- Different Vowel ending Feminine Nouns and how to decline in Nominative case
- Different Vowel ending Neuter Nouns and how to decline in Nominative case
- Practice table for declining all Vowel ending words in seven cases
- Different Consonant ending Masculine Nouns and how to decline in Nominative case
- Different Consonant ending Feminine Nouns and how to decline in Nominative case
- Different Consonant ending Neuter Nouns and how to decline in Nominative case
- Practice table for declining all Consonant ending words in seven cases
- Accusative case of all Vowel-Consonant words, explanations and practice exercises
- Instrumental case of all Vowel-Consonant words, explanations and practice exercises
- Dative case of all Vowel-Consonant words, explanations and practice exercises
- Ablative case of all Vowel-Consonant words, explanations and practice exercises
- Possessive or Genetive case of all Vowel-Consonant words, explanations and practice exercises
- Locative case of all Vowel-Consonant words, explanations and practice exercises
- More common and frequent Pronoun and its declension in seven cases
- Introduction to Atmanepadi Verbs and its usage in Present, Past, Future tenses
- More on Upasarga (prefixes), how to derive verbs in passive voice and past tense with prefixes
- More on Adjectives, Indefinite Pronoun and how they are to be declined in seven cases
- More Krt words and its declension in seven cases and many such topics...
- And all these with practical exercises, worksheets using story analysis and Subhashitam
Brief Course Intro
This Beginners course is designed and structured to take you to the next level of Subject Topics, than the Basics discussed in Course-1, so that beginner with basic Sanskrit knowledge will learn further and find it easy to complete this course, by reducing the learning curve in easy to follow explanations, study materials and with solved exercises.
In this course, the concept of seven cases of many Vowel as well as Consonant ending words, which are most frequently found in different Sanskrit Texts are discussed in details. Also, one of the native and unique verb in Sanskrit is Atmanepadi and how in different tenses they are to be used is discussed. The indefinite pronoun, adjectives, numbers are taken to next level with lot of explanations and exercises.
Over 60 plus story comprehension and 150 plus Subhashitam are analyzed for Sanskrit sentence construction style and Shloka understanding methods. I am sure you will find it simple and easy to follow my lesson plans.
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